22 September 2008

Currently in the works: Grad School.

I've been out of school now for four months, and I must admit: "I hate it." I'm actualy a little jealous of my friends and co-workers who are still in the classroom. Thus, I have excellent motivation for getting on top of graduate school applications and also, yes... the dreaded GRE. I finally buckled down and purchased a vocabulary workbook which I've already begun pounding through. I'm debating signing up for a class, but I'm not sure enough of the programs I'm looking to apply to even require the test. A few do though including one I found today that is hitting the top of my list. Currently on the list:

Oregon State
Portland State
Indiana University
...and possibly a school in Colorado which I can't find in my grad school notes at this moment.

The list is sure to fluctuate as I narrow down or expand exactly what kind of program I'm looking for. I'm still debating the MFA option, but as of right now am heavily leaning toward a program that offers an MA in creative writing of the more traditional MA in Composition and Rhetoric. The end goal, for those of you who don't know, is teaching writing at a university level. I just want to go to school forever I suppose.

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