22 January 2007

Second to the right and then straight on til morning.

Classes at Belmont. Long... work oriented... homeworked. Who thought of the concept of homework? is what I want to know. I want to go back to Compiti (Italian for homework). Just this week, I have a book to get read so I can write a Reception study on it, a really stupid food class to read about and for which I must complete something by the abbreviation "CP" (I don't know what it stands for and frankly don't care to find out), three chapters to read about the legend of Arthur, at least 20 line studies to do for a book series entitle, "Let's Dance," a paper to write (which I am of course doing on Italy), and then two articles and three biblical readings. Wow. Surprisingly it looks a little better when I write it out like that.

School is my best excuse for why I've been neglecting updates, though I can also blame my want of a new heading for the next chapter of the blog - not to say that living isn't an awfully big adventure when you're not in Italy, but still. The point is, I am returning to this place after being gone for quite a while, and I'm not in Italy anymore. It was good; it was perfect; but it's over.

In the words of the Wendy-bird, "We must leave at once... before we, in turn, are forgotten."

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