Even the Little Steps Count
I'm beginning my own local food project. But I do emphasize beginning. As I read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle I am both motivated and discouraged. I want to support local farmers, and I want to lessen my "carbon footprint" as I so often hear these days, but I don't live on or near a farm! I don't even have a yard. In fact, I don't really even have a stable kitchen as I'm moving in a little over a month.
However, I cannot deny the value in small steps. I may not be able to sustain myself or commit to only eating local food, but I can stop by the farmers market for fresh (and better) tomatoes and squash and spring onions. I can buy local honey, which also supposedly helps with seasonal allergies. And I can return to my old favorite - The Produce Place on Murphy Road. Ever since I moved to the other side of town, I rarely get over that way, but they sell all or mostly local produce as well as local milk (which is delicious).
In the chapter I just finished in Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, Barbara Kingsolver discusses canning tomatoes. I'd love to go that extra mile, but this is where I run into the no space, no time, no way issue. So, I'll settle for doing the best I can with what I've got. I"ll settle for little steps moving in the right direction, and I'll get there eventually.